Carl Zeiss’s 1700mm Telephoto Lens

Lens manufacturer Carl Zeiss has made one of the world’s largest telephoto lenses. I know you are still thinking of it as a “lens”, then you’re in for some shock. This lens is so big in fact, that you nearly need 10-15 titanium tripods to support it. Weighing about 256 kg (yeah that’s KG), this baby has a focal length of 1700mm (over 5.5 feet!), a speed of f/4, and has 21x magnification. It will be displayed in this year’s Photokina convention in Cologne, Germany starting September 29.

Based on the company’s press release, it sounds like it was custom-built for a client who wanted to shoot wildlife at a distance on the very high-end Hasselblad 203 FE using 6 x 6 medium format film — in other words, some rich dude might’ve wanted to impress his girlfriend. No word on if it will be ever made available to […]

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