The internet at work - distraction or destruction?

Are you reading this at work? If so, don’t feel guilty. A new analysis suggests that much of what might be called “wasting time on the internet” is not such a bad thing. And that it should even be accepted as a normal part of working.
The recent study in the journal CyberPsychology & Behaviour involved questioning 329 people on their use of computers at work. A statistical analysis of the results suggests non-work computer use fell into two categories, which the psychologists call “counter-productive” and “non-productive”.
The first category includes things able to damage a firm legally (breaking the law) or financially (giving away proprietry information). The second includes behaviours that are not directly destructive, but aren’t directly productive either. Think sending emails or banking online.
But the team - from companies Genesee Survey Services and Kenexa, and Eastern Connecticut State University - also found a strong link between internet access and […]

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