New floods bring more misery

JAKARTA (Agencies): Overnight downpours sent storm waterscoursing back into some low-lying areas of Indonesia's capital onTuesday, but authorities said floods had receded elsewhere,allowing more than 115,000 people to return home.
About 220,000 people remained in temporary shelters, however,and the death toll from days of flooding in Jakarta rose to 36after more reports of fatalities were confirmed, a policespokesman said.
Most of those who fled their homes are staying at mosques,schools or government buildings, sleeping on the floor withlittle access to bathrooms. Communal kitchens have been set up,but many complained of receiving little food.
Elshinta news radio reported from various areas in the citythat many of flood victims have begun suffering from varioussickness like skin diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, respiratoryproblem, and cough.
The high water inundated scores of markets, schools andbusinesses across the city. Electricity and water supplies havebeen cut to much of the city and its surrounding towns.
Authorities earlier estimated that up to half of the city, which covers an area of more than 660 square kilometers (255square miles), had been submerged by waters reaching up to fourmeters deep.
Residents in several districts said water levels dropped orreceded completely late Monday, only to rise again after heavydownpours overnight. Most of the renewed flooding was reported tobe between 50 centimeters and two meters (6.5 feet) deep.
Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) said light rains wereforecast over the next few days.
"The coming rains will not be as intense as those thattriggered the big floods," BMG forecaster Ahmad Zakir said."Nevertheless, at the moment rivers are still swollen. Peoplehave to remain vigilant for the next two or three days."
Environmentalists blame the annual flooding on trash-cloggedstorm drains and rivers, inadequate urban planning, anddeforestation of hillsides south of the city, often to make spacefor the development of luxury villas.
About 220,000 people remained in temporary shelters, however,and the death toll from days of flooding in Jakarta rose to 36after more reports of fatalities were confirmed, a policespokesman said.
Most of those who fled their homes are staying at mosques,schools or government buildings, sleeping on the floor withlittle access to bathrooms. Communal kitchens have been set up,but many complained of receiving little food.
Elshinta news radio reported from various areas in the citythat many of flood victims have begun suffering from varioussickness like skin diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, respiratoryproblem, and cough.
The high water inundated scores of markets, schools andbusinesses across the city. Electricity and water supplies havebeen cut to much of the city and its surrounding towns.
Authorities earlier estimated that up to half of the city, which covers an area of more than 660 square kilometers (255square miles), had been submerged by waters reaching up to fourmeters deep.
Residents in several districts said water levels dropped orreceded completely late Monday, only to rise again after heavydownpours overnight. Most of the renewed flooding was reported tobe between 50 centimeters and two meters (6.5 feet) deep.
Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) said light rains wereforecast over the next few days.
"The coming rains will not be as intense as those thattriggered the big floods," BMG forecaster Ahmad Zakir said."Nevertheless, at the moment rivers are still swollen. Peoplehave to remain vigilant for the next two or three days."
Environmentalists blame the annual flooding on trash-cloggedstorm drains and rivers, inadequate urban planning, anddeforestation of hillsides south of the city, often to make spacefor the development of luxury villas.
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